The camera will track the current target, so even if Lara loses sight of it, you can still see where it is.

If Lara loses sight of the enemy, she will break her lock, but that enemy will still be assigned as the current target. While Ctrl is held, Lara will only fire at the current target, ignoring any other enemy in the vicinity. It will remain as the current target indefinitely while Ctrl is held Down, regardless of whether or not Lara loses her lock. Pressing Ctrl while Lara is aiming at something will assign that enemy as the current target. If there are multiple enemies, Lara will lock on to different targets, choosing the best one as she sees fit. If Lara sees some thing she doesn’t like the look of she will point her guns at it. Press Space Bar and Lara will draw her guns. Later in the game she may find some extra weapons. Lara starts the game carrying two pistols. Pressing Alt will make Lara dive under the surface again, pressing Ctrl when Lara is close to an edge will make her climb out. You can also use the side step actions (Delete & Page Down) to swim Left or Right when on the waters surface. Left and Right will rotate her, and Up and Down make her swim in those directions. Just position Lara as close as you can and press Action (Ctrl). Lara can pull levers and pick up objects under water. Pressing Alt makes Lara dive under the surface and begin to swim. Pressing Up Down Left or Right makes Lara move in that direction. Lara can hold her breath for about two minutes, if she is still underwater after that she’ll drown. If Lara finds a pool of water, she can jump in, and have a jolly good swim around. If you press a direction immediately after pressing jump, Lara will jump in that direction. Press Alt and Lara will jump straight up into the air. Lara can jump in any direction, to evade her enemies. Selecting Roll (End) will make Lara dive forward, and finish up facing the opposite direction. Side step Left (Delete) and right (Page Down) do exactly as you might imagine. If you walk up to an edge Lara will automatically stop. While Shift is held down, Lara will not fall off any edge.